Strategies For Safeguarding Generative AI Adoption In SaaS

July 22, 2024
Strategies For Safeguarding Generative AI Adoption In SaaS

AI tools are dominating news headlines, both in terms of the technological promise they bring and the security concerns they raise. Generative AI (GenAI), particularly integrated within SaaS applications, presents exciting opportunities for businesses to automate tasks, improve productivity and unlock innovative functionalities. However, this innovation comes with a unique set of security challenges that require immediate attention from security professionals.

The Rise Of GenAI In SaaS: A Double-Edged Sword

A recent survey of security leaders as part of Valence's 2024 State of SaaS Security Report found that half (50%) of them consider GenAI governance to be a top challenge in SaaS security. This isn't surprising. GenAI tools, often delivered as SaaS applications, easily integrate with existing business-critical applications like Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Slack or Salesforce, accessing vast amounts of data to function. Although this data access unlocks the power of GenAI, it also creates a significant attack surface for malicious actors. For example, OpenAI's ChatGPT excels at generating different creative text formats but might need access to a user's emails and documents within the SaaS platform to function more effectively.

Understanding how GenAI tools operate and make decisions can also be challenging. This lack of transparency makes it difficult for security teams to identify and mitigate potential security risks. The rapid innovation in the GenAI space further complicates matters. New tools are constantly appearing, making it difficult for security teams to keep track of and enforce robust security policies.

Additionally, the ease of access and functionality offered by GenAI tools can lead to a lack of visibility. In fact, a September 2023 survey by The Conference Board found that 56% of U.S. employees already use GenAI tools at work, often without IT or security approval. And because business users might overlook security considerations, they may unknowingly grant access to sensitive data to the GenAI tool.

Strategies For Governing GenAI In A SaaS Ecosystem

Although the challenges are real, there are concrete strategies security professionals can implement to govern GenAI adoption and mitigate potential risks.

Security Policy For GenAI Tools

Develop and implement a dedicated security policy for GenAI adoption. Encouragingly, 90% of respondents to our survey said their companies already have a GenAI governance policy. This policy should outline procedures for approving GenAI tools, data access best practices and user training on GenAI security risks. A clear policy framework helps ensure that all stakeholders understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining security.

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