Use case

Govern Non-Human Identities

Valence empowers organizations to identify, monitor and manage non-human identities (NHIs) across SaaS applications including SaaS-to-SaaS integrations, 3rd party apps, service accounts, API keys, OAuth tokens and others

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Automate Remediation with a SaaS Application Security Platform

Securing SaaS-to-SaaS integrations involves navigating a complex web of non-human identities (NHIs) and managing their myriad access permissions. These NHIs—ranging from service accounts to API keys and OAuth tokens—often come with extensive access rights that are rarely reviewed or updated. Consequently, organizations, or individual business users within, may inadvertently grant excessive permissions, which can lead to significant security risks if an integration is compromised or misconfigured.

Since you cannot enforce security controls such as strong authentication with MFA on NHIs and since NHIs are often leveraged to grant third-party vendors access to SaaS applications, attackers have realized that they are often a weak blindspot in organizations’ access controls.

The high-profile breaches at Microsoft (Midnight Blizzard), CircleCI, and Cloudflare underscore the urgency of this issue, where attackers exploited compromised NHIs to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data. These incidents highlight how critical it is to not only secure NHIs but also to ensure their access rights are tightly controlled and continuously monitored.

2024 State of SaaS Security Report

With 8.6 non-human identities for every 1 account, NHIs have become a massive risk surface. Read more about the challenges of securing NHIs.

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The Valence Solution

Valence delivers comprehensive capabilities designed to secure SaaS-to-SaaS integrations and manage non-human identities effectively. Our platform provides detailed visibility into NHIs, their activities, and access privileges, enabling organizations to enforce a least-privilege access model. By identifying and addressing inactive or over-privileged integrations, and through collaboration with SaaS admins and business users who can provide context, Valence helps mitigate the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches. Additionally, our solution offers real-time monitoring and alerts for suspicious behavior, ensuring that potential threats are swiftly detected and addressed. This proactive approach not only enhances security but also supports compliance with industry standards and regulations.

2024 State of SaaS Security Report

With 8.6 non-human identities for every 1 account, NHIs have become a massive risk surface. Read more about the challenges of securing NHIs.

Get the Report

Understand the Extent of SaaS Integration Use

Gain complete visibility and control over your SaaS-to-SaaS integrations and non-human identities. Secure your SaaS environment with Valence.

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Business Value

Central Inventory

Manage Third-Party Risks

Discover third-party SaaS integrations and their associated vendors

Central Inventory

Understand Business Context

Request justifications from business users to gather security context

Automated Workflows

Reduce Attack Surface

Improve hygiene through the removal of unused and risky integrations


Enable Business Productivity

Discover and analyze all non-human identities associated with your SaaS applications

Enable Business Productivity

Identify over privileged or tenant-wide integrations

Enable Business Productivity

Detect inactive integrations that can be offboarded

Enable Business Productivity

Monitor activity across non-human identities to detect suspicious behavior

Enable Business Productivity

Collaborate with business users to review and revoke inactive integrations

Diagnose Your SaaS-to-SaaS Integration Risks

Assess your exposure to SaaS integration threats with a free risk assessment. Identify over-privileged or inactive non-human identities and potential security risks.

Get a Risk Assessment
Empower Your Organization to Securely Adopt SaaS