Use case

Ensure Strong Authentication

Valence empowers security teams to monitor and enforce strong authentication with MFA, SSO, etc. across SaaS applications to ensure SaaS identities are protected from the growing number of attacks targeting them

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Automate Remediation with a SaaS Application Security Platform

Recent attacks targeting Snowflake customers without enforced multi-factor authentication (MFA) demonstrate the consequences of weak SaaS application security. Identity sprawl, unmanaged accounts, and the absence of strong authentication controls like multi-factor authentication (MFA) and single sign-on (SSO) leave SaaS applications exploitable to attackers.

In many cases, organizations assume that by implementing an identity provider (IdP) such as Okta and Entra ID, their identities are secure, but they are left blind to potential local accounts, service accounts, etc. that are locally defined in the SaaS application itself.

In addition, many organizations don’t actually enforce MFA across all identities due to contractors, service accounts, shared accounts, and for various other reasons which require security teams to constantly monitor these exception groups.

2024 State of SaaS Security Report

100% of organizations have failed to completely roll out MFA, leaving them vulnerable to attacks like credential stuffing and account takeover. The recent attack campaign on Snowflake customers, underscore the critical need for robust MFA enforcement.

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The Valence Solution

With Valence, security teams gain a comprehensive view across all their SaaS identities to ensure strong authentication is properly enforced to increase identity security posture. The Valence platform correlates accounts across different SaaS applications to identify accounts that were configured locally and not through the centralized IdP or SSO or SAML. In addition, Valence’s in depth analysis of MFA and SSO settings detect gaps in strong authentication coverage due to lack of SSO enforcement within a SaaS application that allows local authentication or due to lack of strong MFA configuration within a standalone application. Valence helps organizations mitigate the risks associated with identity sprawl and weak authentication.

2024 State of SaaS Security Report

100% of organizations have failed to completely roll out MFA, leaving them vulnerable to attacks like credential stuffing and account takeover. The recent attack campaign on Snowflake customers, underscore the critical need for robust MFA enforcement.

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Master Your SaaS Identity Security

Valence strengthens your SaaS security posture by enforcing strong authentication settings and detecting identity security risks. Gain control over your SaaS identities today.

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Business Value

Central Inventory

Identify Unmanaged Accounts

Identify local/native SaaS accounts unmanaged by the corporate identity provider

Central Inventory

Enforce Strong Authentication

Fully secure account access with corporate SSO/MFA/IdP/SAML

Automated Workflows

Protect Sensitive

Reduce the probability of an account takeover and safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized access


Enable Business Productivity

Prevent unauthorized access through robust MFA and SSO enforcement

Enable Business Productivity

Reduce the risk of credential stuffing
and account takeover attacks

Enable Business Productivity

Discover and remediate unmanaged identities to minimize the attack surface

Enable Business Productivity

Gain real-time visibility into user activity and access patterns

Enable Business Productivity

Streamline identity security management with automation and centralized control

Assess Your SaaS Identity Risks

Evaluate your SaaS identity security posture with a free risk assessment. Identify which accounts lack required MFA or SSO and strengthen your defenses.

Get a Risk Assessment
Empower Your Organization to Securely Adopt SaaS