Gartner Emerging Tech Impact Radar Reports

Gartner Emerging Tech Impact Radar Reports

Yoni Shohet
December 5, 2022
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Gartner Emerging Tech Impact Radar Reports

Valence Security is honored to have been mentioned as a SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) vendor in Gartners latest Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Cloud Native report and Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Security report. The latest SaaS security breaches at Okta and HubSpot point to the need for SaaS security solutions that go beyond Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) capabilities.

In this report, Gartner states:

"Cloud access security brokers (CASBs) are addressing common SaaS security use cases, including shadow IT discovery, SaaS risk assessments, sensitive data protection, SaaS governance and compliance. However, there are security use cases that were not addressed, such as permissions management, especially SaaS administrator transactions and user life cycle management, including external users within content services platforms, social and collaboration software. SaaS security posture management (SSPM) addressed some of these gaps by providing continuous monitoring of SaaS risks identified in security misconfigurations, user and permission life cycle management, and SaaS app integrations risks with guided remediations. With the rise of SaaS security incidents such as those that occurred at Okta and HubSpot, there will be more focus in this area."

Gartner customers can log in to access the full Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Cloud Native report here

Published 11 November 2022 - ID G00771897 - 72 min read

By Analyst(s): Wataru Katsurashima, Colin Fletcher, Fernando Pereiro, Mark Wah, Michael Warrilow, John Santoro, Varsha Mehta, Balaji Abbabatulla, Chandra Mukhyala, Craig Lowery, Ed Anderson

Or access the full Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Security report here

Published 16 November 2022 - ID G00766277 - 101 min read

By Analyst(s): Elizabeth Kim, Swati Rakheja, Bill Ray, Nat Smith, Mark Wah, Dave Messett, Ruggero Contu, Dan Ayoub, Mark Driver, Lawrence Pingree

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